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Ghost Hunting Experience

Colchester, Essex

  • Expert-led ghost hunting experiences
  • Use high-tech surveillance gear
  • Seek out paranormal activity
  • See if you can capture the evidence


What's Included

  • A ghost hunting experience
  • Welcome, introduction and safety briefing upon arrival
  • Talk about the history of the venue
  • Be guided around the haunted venue by your ghost hunting expert
  • Rooms are set up with ghost hunting equipment such as EMF detectors, an Edison Ball, Spirit Boxes and EVP recording equipment
  • You will be encouraged to participate in experiments such as calling out, question and answer session and focusing
  • Option to watch the experiments if you are not comfortable in participating
  • Numerous breaks included for light refreshments (included)
  • Opportunity to use K2s to do a short individual vigil
  • Debriefing at the end of your ghost hunt to talk through your experiences with your ghost hunting expert
  • Maximum group size of 15 people which will be split into teams of 5 
  • Ghost hunts last approximately 5 hours

What Can I Expect

No calling Ghostbusters, it's you who'll be ghost hunting on these fascinating experiences! Lifting the lid on the science behind hunting ghosts, you'll be enlightened, spooked or both with these investigative sessions.

Venues for seeking out ghosts are specifically chosen because of their documented high levels of paranormal activity. The ghost hunter team loves to investigate. Using high-tech equipment, the aim is to detect a ghostly presence and (the holy grail for all ghost hunters) record evidence of it. These spook-filled sessions will show you how it's done.

Firstly, there are no mediums, psychics or sensitives called in to help. This ghost-loving lot prefer electronic gadgets and aids to assist with ghost detection and recording. No ghost hunter would be without their K2, their spirit box, their camera and their audio recording gear.

Attendees are encouraged to take a hands-on approach to these ghost hunts, so you will be able to have go at using all the equipment during the investigation. The K2 measures electromagnetic fields (EMF) and fluctuations in these readings is said to indicate the presence of unexplained phenomena.

The spirit box sweeps radio frequencies, with white noise believed to create a channel for spirits to get their voices heard - and even answer the ghost hunter's questions. These gems of the ghost hunting world are called EVPs (or Electronic Voice Phenomena).

Even with all these gadgets, nothing beats having a personal experience feeling a presence. Do you notice any particular smell or sound when you enter a certain room? After various experiments to try and explain what you just saw, heard, felt or smelt and if there's no rational explanation, can it be that it is from the spirit world?

Whether you're sceptical, a believer or a sceptical believer, these ghost hunting experiences are sure to have you utterly enthralled for the duration, as you try and capture evidence in a photo, video or audio recording that you are in the presence of those from the after life...


  • Available on selected dates throughout the year


  • Colchester Brook Red Lion Hotel

Suitable For

  • Minimum age 18
  • This experience is not suitable for those who have a nervous disposition or reduced mobility


  • Not suitable for spectators

Anything Else

  • There will be no mediums, psychics or sensitives present on the night
ghist hunt
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