You say pottery, we say Wedgewood!

There he is, Josiah Wedgewood – the founder of Wedgewood pottery
If you stopped someone in the street and asked them to name a famous pottery brand in the UK, we’re pretty sure it’d be Wedgewood which would come out on top.
That’s why we’re delighted to have this special Wedgewood Pottery day on the Into the Blue books, as it’s celebrating a great British name that’s steeped in history.
The factory, in the heart of the pottery town Stoke on Trent, was started by Josiah Wedgewood in 1759. The company is most famous for that distinct powdery blue coloured pottery with white relief designs, but nowadays the company has diversified into jewellery and other intricately hand-painted ceramics.

Watch a pot being turned on the potter’s wheel at Wedgewood
Now we know this day out might sound like something that only your Gran would enjoy, but believe us we’ve been to the museum and it really is a fascinating day out for all ages. Watching the skilled craftsmen and women at work on the potter’s wheel or delicately making roses out of clay really is captivating and art form that we should be proud of.
Not only do you get to watch, but you also get to have a little go yourself at either turning a plate or doing some decorating and no, the piece isn’t lobbed in the bin afterwards, it will be fired and then posted out to you!
Enough eulogising about our great British pottery industry and over to you to head to to book your vouchers for this fascinating day out in the Potteries.