Yay! It’s National Chocolate Week 2010!

Celebrate National Chocolate Week 2010 with some tasty deals on chocolate experience gifts
Etched in our diary for aaaages now, the 11th to the 17th October is officially UK Chocolate Week 2010. And what a week it’s set to be as we gleefully stuff our faces with gorgeous chocs all week and no-one can say anything as it’s all ‘in aid of’ supporting chocolate awareness, obvs.
We’re more than a little partial to the delights of Swiss chocolate. So smooth, so creamy with all those happy cows munching on fresh green grass in mountain pastures. We also give a thumbs up to Belgian chocolate. For a tiny country whose only other claim to fame is mussels with chips and mayonnaise the choc is really rather good.
Convenient then that we have some expert chocolatiers here in the UK ready with the melted cocoa beans to teach us how to make those fine Belgian truffles everyone from you to your Gran loves.
And to celebrate National Chocolate Week, we’ve persuaded the activities head honcho here at Into the Blue to put on a special chocolate making deal. You’ll find our chocolate making workshop experiences offered a nine venues nationwide are down from £59 to just £49 per person and that includes a shed load of truffles and chocs to take home with you.
Seriously now, what’s not to love!