What girls buy for boys on Valentine’s Day

If chocolate be the food of love, then eat on…(apologies to Shakespeare)
Whilst pottering through our local town centre the other day, we spotted some rather cute looking mini-heart chocolate boxes in the shop window of our fave chocolatier, so we popped in.
We decided a little cream heart-shaped box filled with handmade (and handpicked) scrummy choc was the ideal (if slightly girly)mini-gift for the BF for Valentine’s Day…but it did get us thinking. What would your boyfriend say if you bought them flowers for St Valentines’ Day? Would they turn their nose up at a his ‘n’ hers spa day? Guffaw at a chocolate making workshop day out for two?
Are we expecting men to be too metrosexual these days (we think that’s the current media term)? Do we want it all? That’s to say a man who gladly accepts a sloppy, romantic day out at a health spa with us, but one who also changes the wheels on our cars when we get a puncture?
One thing we’ve very really noticed this winter is the number of men carrying two pairs of skis over their shoulders like some modern day Atlas, whilst the GF trots along carrying the poles. Does this mean we’re pathetic or actually rather clever? Or are men scrabbling to find their place in this crazy modern society of ours? Or are we simply reading too much into all of this?!
Either way, we’re looking forward to giving our BF his little heart-shaped box of chocs and we’re sure if we offered him a gift like a day out making handmade chocolates he’d love it as much as we would!
Happy St Valentine’s Day!