How to write Valentine’s messages to win their heart
When it comes to Valentine’s messages are you stuck for words? If you’re struggling to think of something to write for your Valentine, we’ve cogitated, deliberated and procrastinated long and hard to come up with some musings and thoughts on how to write your Valentine’s messages.
In essence, there are four rules to winning them over with your message on Valentine’s Day:
1. Use that pet name you have for them
2. Say something sweet and cute
3. Say something a little bit steamy
4. Write a little poem (or cheat and quote from one!)
But above all, the key to the best Valentine’s messages is …to BE YOURSELF!
Before you groan and say we’ve been no help to you, here are some of our golden nuggets when it comes to writing short, but very sweet, Valentine’s messages:
Saying I love you in under 150 characters
If you’re buying your Valentine’s gift online, the chances are you’ll have the opportunity to enter a personalised message for your loved one. For example, when you buy a Valentine’s experience from intotheblue.co.uk, you type your words of wisdom in the ‘Add a gift message’ box on the checkout page.

Time to shine with your personalised Valentine’s messages – and you’ve got 150 characters to do it in!
The tricky bit here is the amount of space you have to personalise gifts. With Into the Blue gift vouchers, you have 150 characters to put your message across. You could play it safe with a smattering of ‘Love you babes’ and ‘Just for you bubs’, but if you want to incorporate our golden rules, throw caution to the wind and drop in that little pet name you have for them. And if, like many of Intotheblue’s Valentine’s customers, you buy an experience that you can both enjoy together, make a sweet reference (that’s number two covered!) and say something like:
To [petname],
Will you let me share your childhood dream?
My love always,
Your [petname] x
But what about the poetry in your Valentine’s message?
You might not think you can do poetry within the 150 character limit, but you can. Rather than agonising over rhyming your couplets for hours and hours, you can always quote someone else’s wonderful wordsmith-ery.
Our favourite is by Samuel Lover, the appropriately-named 18th century Irish composer and songwriter. He simply wrote: ‘Come live in my heart and pay no rent’.
Then there’s Elizabeth Barrett Browning, the English poet in Victorian Britain who said: ‘I love you not only for what you are, but for what I am with you’.
But if you want a modern twist to your poetic Valentine’s messages, you can’t beat Adrian Henri’s ‘Love is’. Packed full of quotable lines, from ‘Love is a fan club with only two fans’, to ‘Love is you and love is me’, it’s a great contemporary love poem. And if you don’t know it, here’s ‘Love Is’ being read out aloud for you.
You’ve forgotten rule number three?
Ah yes. The saying something steamy rule. We couldn’t possibly go into that here. We’ll leave that part of your Valentine’s messages up to you and your imagination!
So before you head off and write ‘Love you to the moon and back, baby cakes’ again, have a read of our four rules for writing Valentine’s messages. Have a think, but don’t forget to be yourself. and remember – they love you just the way you are. Happy Valentine’s Day!