Top 5 Adrenaline Experiences in the UK
Are you a total thrill-seeker? A bit of a daredevil? A full-on self-confessed adrenaline junkie? Well, let’s see how many of these Top 5 Adrenaline experiences in the UK you’ve done
1. Wing Walking
Ok, so you don’t actually walk along the wing whilst you’re flying in the air, but you will be standing right up there, strapped to the top wing of a vintage Stearman biplane whizzing through the air at speeds of up to 135mph. And if you think you’ll be gleefully smiling and waving to your friends and family below, think again. The buffeting wind is crazy up there and it’ll take all your strength to lift an arm!
Add in some low-level fly pasts (eek!) and some aerobatic loop the loop moves (yes, with you still standing on the wing!) and you’ve got yourself one heck of a flight. Who’d have thought you could have this much fun on a flight without even having a seat in the cockpit?
Be the star of your own high-adrenaline Wing Walking show from £399.
2. Aerobatics
Relax, settle into your seat and get ready for take off. Hang on a minute, weren’t we on the runway just a few seconds ago? And isn’t that the ground I can see above my head? And why is my body being pushed back into the seat? What sort of flight is this?
Feeling your feet lift off the floor, you intuitively hold onto your harness straps, as you roll through the sky once more, this is the moment you realise flying aerobatics for a living is pretty crazy, but utterly brilliant. It’s flying, but not as you know it. The ultimate in daredevil aviation!
Experience the G forces in Extra, Cap 10, Pitts Special & Decathlon planes at an airfield near you with our full range of Aerobatics Experiences from £110.
3. Skydiving
Why bother sitting around inside a plane when you can jump out of it? Skydiving is one of those ‘once in a lifetime’ activities that gets everyone talking. Whether it’s a dare from a mate, something you’re doing for charity, or a bold way to celebrate a big birthday and tell yourself you’ve ‘still got it’, doing a skydive is definitely one for the bucket list.
The quickest and easiest way to get your free-fall fix is by doing a tandem skydive. You’re strapped to your instructor, you go up in the plane to about 10,000ft and then jump out. Simple as that. The parachute is deployed at around 5,000ft and you float back down to earth. And all that with no lengthy training course. Quite possibly the craziest way to test the theory of gravity.
Park those fears and go skydiving at a drop zone near you. Tandem Skydives available to book online from £149.
4. Bungee Jumping
Probably invented by fearless Aussies, bungee jumping is quite possibly the most insane form of entertainment ever. Who in their right minds would head up to a platform at around 160ft (that alone is enough to strike fear in our hearts) and then jump off it with just a cord attached to their ankles and a harness?
Well, a lot of you do, as it is always one of our best-selling adrenaline activities in the UK and one that represents great value for money. So much so that many bungee jumpers go twice – once forward and once backwards!
Adrenaline up to the eyeballs when you take that leap. Book your Bungee Jump – normally from £75, on offer at £60.
5. Spitfire Flights
Admittedly, the adrenaline feeling is slightly different with these experiences. It’s adrenaline wrapped up in raw emotion when you hear that Merlin engine fire up. Sitting there in the cockpit of a glorious Mk IX two -seater Spitfire, you will feel like you are making history.
We actually find the feeling of flying in a Spitfire hard to describe. It’s a heady mix of nerves, expectation, nostalgia, reverence and even admirative respect – all of which will definitely get the adrenaline going. And make no mistake, these gracious wardbids are still capable of pulling some aerobatic moves for that extra thrill!
Savour the day you flew in a vintage Spitfire. It’s once in a lifetime stuff. Prices from £2975 for a flight in the Spirit of Kent from Biggin Hill. Browse all our Spitfire Experiences and buy online.
The list for any adrenaline-seeker!
So how many of our Top 5 Adrenaline Experiences have you done? If it’s once in a lifetime, bucket list-type stuff you’re looking for, these are the essentials that you must tick off your list!