The Incredible Case of the Shrinking Chocolate Bars

Feel ripped off by the big name chocolate brands? Learn to make your own then!
As a fully confessed chocoholic, we were more than a little gutted to read that the big name choc companies are downsizing their choccy bars, whilst keeping the price the same! Scandalous!
It seems the new Dairy Milk bar is missing two chunks, but it still retails at £1. Even the Swiss scrumptious choc that is Toblerone is shrinking, losing one of those delicious triangles so it can remain on sale around £1. Given that each triangle chunk has a letter on it to spell out Toblerone, does this mean in 10 years time it’ll just be called a Tob bar?
And not that an open bag lasts long enough for us to count the contents, but apparently bags of Maltesers have been shaved down from 140g to 120g. That’s quite a few of those chocolate malty delights less in your pack by our reckoning. *sigh*.
So, what’s a girl to do when she loves her choc? Well, if you can’t join them, beat them (for a change!). Sign up for a chocolate making workshop and after a day with an expert chocolatier and some serious amounts of cocoa, you’ll know just how to make those delightful hand made chocs that, quite frankly, taste so much better than the standard stuff anyway.
More good news as we’ve got an offer on our nationwide chocolate making activity, meaning you can express your love of the cocoa bean for just £49, rather than £59. What’s not to love?!