Pop stars Stornaway love zorbing!

Proper zorbing popstars Stornoway!
We can’t quite believe that a pop group has actually written a song about zorbing, but it has happened and it’s actually really! We spotted this funky acoustic version which was performed on a radio show at the weekend and caught on camera for our delight and delectation via You Tube.
Stornoway with their song ‘Zorbing‘
Keep watching after the boys have finished the song and you’ll hear what they’ve got to say about the extreme sport of zorbing. We particularly like the fact that they know all about the history behind the sport and the way they coyloy admitted that now they’ve written a top pop hit about the sport, they DO get to go zorbing for free. Bless ’em.
And what has Stornoway got to say about Zorbing? Well according to them:
“I’ve been singing you this song
Inside a bubble
Been zorbing through the streets of Cali
We were always meant to be,
Zorbing together, And i think its high time we started.”