Is it just us or is X Factor Cher REALLY annoying?

Dear Cher, please stop rapping on X Factor, it hurts our ears!
Whether you love or hate it, the current series of the X Factor has certainly got us all talking if nothing else. This Monday when we pottered into the Into the Blue kitchen to make ourselves a cuppa (Earl Grey, splash of milk, no sugar – thanks) the ‘water cooler’ talk was all about the weekend’s telly viewing.
The intrepid Into the Blue team decided unanimously that Matt Cardle’s chilled out acoustic version of Britney Spears’s ‘Baby One More Time’ was sublime, but opinion was so divided as to Cher Lloyd. We thought her performances were annoying, whilst others in the camp think she represents something different for X Factor.
The debate was just getting interesting when the Into the Blue Big Cheese appeared and said we needed to spend more energy chatting to our lovely clients on the ‘phone rather than discussing the merits of, as he so succinctly put it. ‘here today, gone tomorrow’ pop stars.
So off we scuttled! Don’t forget if you do ever have a question about any of the experiences Into the Blue offer, you can call us on 01959 578100 and speak to a real person. You can even tell us what you think about X Factor!!
PS The Big Cheese has asked us to point out that these our entirely our own opinions and do not reflect the opinions of Into the Blue. That’s the legal bit done then!