Do a bungee jump at the London O2 Arena!

Our new bungee London venue – your chance to throw yourself off a crane at the O2 Arena. Madness!
Personally, we think you’d be a couple of sarnies short of a picnic for wanting to do a bungee jump and a bungee jump off a 160ft high crane overlooking the swanky O2 Arena in London town has to take the biscuit, but that’s just what Into the Blue has just started offering!
The London o2 Arena is on the site of the somewhat ill-fated Millenium Dome in East Greenwich. Work began on the arena in 2003 and in 2007 the brand new O2 Arena was born. The venue opened with a fantastic party for employees featuring the likes of Peter Kay, Tom Jones, Kaiser Chiefs and Basement Jaxx, all compered by the delectable Dermot o’Leary. A day later it was over to rawwwk legends Bon Jovi to play the first public concert at the O2.
Since then the O2 Arena has been a resounding success for London. With an audience capacity of 23,000 it is one of the biggest indoor arenas in Europe. So imagine the thrill of rocking up to the O2 and actually doing a bungee jump looking down on this amazing venue? If it was us we’d have our eyes firmly shut all the time so we wouldn’t even see the view, but we reckon the screams would be heard all over central London.
Of course, you might know people who would actually delight in throwing themselves off a crane, or you can always buy a London bungee jump experience as some kind of revenge or laying-down-the-gauntlet challenge in a ‘let’s see how brave you are NOW then’ type of way. Perfect for those ‘been there, done that, bought the T-shirt’ type boys we all know!