A weekend of sport and leisure ahead

Their football team may have been rubbish, but the French Alpha Jets will definitely be a crowd pleaser at the Biggin Hill Air Fair
Unless you’ve been hiding in a cellar all week, you’ll know that England will be facing Germany in the World Cup football on Sunday. In fact, the whole weekend is set to be a monumental 48 hours of sport and leisure with the tennis continuing at Wimbledon, the Formula 1, that football match and last but not least, the Biggin Hill Air Fair.
Now we don’t want to start rambling on about Into the Blue’s history, but our company came about when the Big Boss was Big Boss of the company organising the Air Fair. Struck with inspiration after seeing the number of people queuing up to take a short hover in a helicopter during the airshow weekend, said Big Boss set to work on offering flying activities in the form of gift vouchers.

An England win followed by a display by the Red Arrows? That’s what we call cool Britannia!
Since then, loads of us have come in to the Into the Blue fold and the activitiy gifts have increased to around 500. In fact, there are still a fair few of us who have been here since those humble beginnings at the Air Show. Damn we’re making ourselves sound old, but we could say older and very wise when it comes to activity gift experiences!
So if you’re headed to the Biggin Hill Air Fair this weekend and after watching all those magical aerial displays you feel inspired to head up into the skies yourself, don’t forget to have a look at Intotheblue.co.uk where flying experiences began!