A picture tells a thousand stories…

What’s left of the camera found washed up on the beach
Whilst munching our Coco Pops of a morning (other cereals are available) there’s nothing we like more than catching up on a bit of news. Not all that doom and gloom stuff, but rather the unusual stories that make us raise our eyebrows.
And here’s one we spotted the other day that caught our eye. A man walking along a beach in Santa Cruz spotted what something shiny amongst the driftwood on the beach and realised it was a broken piece of camera. He found the memory was still attached and amazingly, after cleaning and polishing it, the hard disk still worked.

One of the family photos recovered from the memory card
Since then the man has posted some of the photos dating from 2007 on Flickr in the hope that someone recognises the family on it and the precious and very tough little memory card can be returned to the family.
It made us realise that photographs really are quite precious and having come back from hols we know we’d be gutted if we’d lost the piccies we snapped before getting them uploaded on the computer.
It also made us think that (and here’s the tenuous link, folks!) how nice it would be to have a proper photo of us. Having flicked through the results of this year’s holiday, it seems we’re always pulling a face, got our eyes closed or something, so we’re seriously thinking a session with a professional photographer to snap the family at their best wouldn’t be a bad thing. And wouldn’t you know it, Into the Blue has a whole host of photoshoot and makeover activities to choose from. Perfect!
And if you want to take a look to see whether you know who lost their camera, have a look at the DoYouKnowUs Flickr account where some of the pictures on the card found have been posted.