Revving it up in the forests of the west country

Go rallying driving in the forest – the best you can get!
Now then, there’s rally driving and then there’s rally driving in the dense forest. Surely there’s no better thrill that hooning it along a wet and slippery woodland track with tall trees looming over you and menacing tree stumps all around? We just love the World Rally Championship when it has forests as its spectacular backdrop.
One tip we picked up from watching endless hours of WRC footage on the TV was that the idea is to look at the gaps in between the trees and not at the trees themselves!
Now all we need to do is to have a go ourselves and now we can with the brand new Forest Rally Experience just outside Bristol.
You get to drive both a front wheel and rear wheel drive rally car on two different special stages winding in and out of the trees. After your driving is done, the pros will show you just how it’s done. Mind you , they have the advantage of being in an all wheel drive super machine, the Subaru Impreza, so no wonder it feel like the trees are whipping by you at a fast rate of knots when you head round the forest rally stage in the passenger seat. Amazing stuff and makes a gentle woodland walk with the dog on a Sunday look, quite frankly, a tad dull!